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We were delighted to host the PARCUM - preserving Anglican Heritage -study day at St Boniface! ... See MoreSee Less

We were delighted to host the PARCUM - preserving Anglican Heritage -study day at St Boniface!Image attachment

Trinity XXI, Services at usual times BUT
Plan carefully as we are within the Antwerp Marathon route!
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Trinity XXI, Services at usual times BUT
Plan carefully as we are within the Antwerp Marathon route!

2 CommentComment on Facebook

You won’t get to the door by car easily! Check on Antwerpen.be

Trinity XX
09:00 The Eucharist BCP
10:30 Sung Eucharist

Plenty of time to vote before or after!
And the new heating is working! Thanks for your patience.
... See MoreSee Less

Trinity XX 
09:00 The Eucharist BCP
10:30  Sung Eucharist  Plenty of time to vote before or after!
And the new heating is working! Thanks for your patience.

1 CommentComment on Facebook

What an improvement!

Anglican / Episcopalian