Holy Week & Easter, 2018

Sunday, March 25th, PALM SUNDAY
9-00am The Eucharist, (Book of Common Prayer).
1O-30am Procession of Palms, Solemn Reading of the Passion & SUNG EUCHARIST.
Sunday School meets today.

Monday in Holy Week
7-30pm The Eucharist & Address; the late evening office of Compline follows.

Tuesday in Holy Week
Noon CHRISM MASS: Bishop Norman celebrates at Canterbury Cathedral.
7-30pm The Eucharist & Address, Compline.

Wednesday in HoIy Week
7-30pm The Eucharist & Address, Compline.

Thursday March 29th, MAUNDY THURSDAY

7-30pm Maundy Ceremonies, including the foot washing, & SOLEMN EUCHARIST OF THE LORD’S SUPPER.
Watch of Prayer until midnight.
* The men of the parish are particularly asked
to take part in the watch of prayer. Please sign the list in church. *

Friday March 30th, GOOD FRIDAY*
3-00pm The Way ofthe Cross (Stations ofthe Cross) In Dutch.
7-30pm SOLEMN LITURGY, Veneration of the Cross, Solemn Prayers, HOLY COMMUNION.
(*Please note the changed times: the times given in the newsletter are no longer correct).

Holy Saturday
A day of quiet prayer and waiting for the Resurrection of the Lord.
9-30am Morning Prayer.
10-00am Decorating the church for Easter.

Sunday April 1st, EASTER DAY
7-00am THE PASCHAL LITURGY & Solemn First Mass of Easter.
Followed by an Easter Breakfast.
9-00am Holy Communion (BCP)
Followed by a sparkling Easter reception & Easter egg hunt.