Good news!
Public worship at St Boniface resumes on Sunday 14th June
Fr Andrew writes …
On Sunday, we re-open for the 10:30 Sung Eucharist. However, in order to keep worshippers safe, we will be following strict guidelines, which have been approved by the authorities. Those over 65 are encouraged to read the protocol carefully, before making the decision to come to church. Please seek medical advice if you have any concerns.
Those attending are asked to wear a face-mask. When you arrive, you will be welcomed and shown what to do.
It will be rather different from what we are used to but we will get used to it! Unfortunately at the moment we are not able to have a Sunday School. Coffee and lunches are also out of the question.
Nevertheless, this is a great step forward, and I am looking forward to seeing you in church again. By a wonderful coincidence, this is Corpus Christi Sunday, when we give thanks for Holy Communion. What better day to offer thanks and praise to God for his mercies?
(Photo by Fr. Andrew)