Sunday April 2nd, PALM SUNDAY
9-00 am The Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer)
10-30 am Procession of Palms, Solemn Reading of the Passion & SUNG EUCHARIST
Monday in Holy Week
7-30 pm The Eucharist followed by Compline (Night Prayer)
Tuesday in Holy Week
Noon CHRISM MASS – Bishop Norman celebrates at Canterbury Cathedral
7-30 pm The Eucharist followed by Compline (Night Prayer)
Wednesday in Holy Week
7-30 pm The Eucharist followed by Compline (Night Prayer)
Thursday April 6th, MAUNDY THURSDAY
7-30 pm Maundy Ceremonies, including the foot washing, & SOLEMN EUCHARIST OF THE LORD’S SUPPER
Preacher: The Rt Rev’d Norman Banks, Bishop of RICHBOROUGH
(Watch of Prayer until 10pm. The men of the parish are particularly asked to take part from 9-10pm.)
Friday April 7th, GOOD FRIDAY
(Choral Setting of the St JOHN PASSION (Heinrich Schutz 1585 –1672)).
Holy Saturday
A day of quiet prayer and waiting for the Resurrection of the Lord
9-30 am Morning Prayer
10-00 am Decorating the church for Easter.
Sunday April 9th, EASTER DAY
9-00 am Holy Communion (BCP)
10-30 am PASCHAL CEREMONIES: Baptism, Confirmation, Reception into the Church of England
FESTIVAL EUCHARIST, Celebrant: The Bishop of Richborough
Join us afterward for Easter cakes & an Easter egg hunt.